
Did you know that only roughly one in four kids engage in the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day?

As a child’s age and school grade rise, so does their participation in all forms of physical activity. Physical activity must be a regular part of family life. Here is some information to assist you in keeping your kids active and healthy.

Perks of physical activity

Being physically active entails moving enough to cause difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, warmth, and sweat. Children’s health and well-being depend on exercise. Healthy bones, muscles, and joints are just a few examples of how physical activity helps build and maintain. It can lower the risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease later in life and help keep a healthy body mass index. Kids who use it may quickly get to sleep and stay asleep.

Physical activity has advantages for the body but also improves a child’s emotional and behavioral well-being. It boosts a child’s self-esteem, academic performance, attention span, and behavior. It also increases their enthusiasm and optimism. Additionally, it lessens stress, depression, and anxiety. When it’s incorporated into a team sport, it can also promote friendship and teamwork.

There are 11 ways to start.

Parents can play a significant part in encouraging their children to engage in more physical activity. Here are a few ideas:

1. Speak to your child’s physician. 

Your child’s doctor can explain the value of exercise to your child. The doctor for your child can also assist you, and your child in deciding which sports or extracurricular pursuits are best for them.

2. Place a strong emphasis on having fun. 

Find a sport your child enjoys by helping her. She will be more likely to keep doing something as long as she finds it enjoyable. Engage your family as a whole. The two of you can have a great time doing it.

3. A developmentally appropriate activity should be chosen. 

For instance, a seven or 8-year-old child is not ready for weightlifting or a 3-mile run, but soccer, biking, and swimming are all excellent activities for kids this age.

4. Think ahead. 

Ensure that your child has access to a convenient exercise location and time.

5. Make the surroundings secure.

Verify the safety of your child’s equipment and the areas where they practice or play. Ensure that your child is dressed comfortably and appropriately for the activity.

6. Give out active toys.

Balls, jump ropes, and other active toys should be readily available to young children.

7. Provide an example. 

Children are more likely to participate in sports and physical activity if they frequently observe their parents doing so.

8. Have fun with your kids.

Assist them in picking up a new sport or exercise. Or simply have fun together by walking, hiking, or bike riding.

9. Put boundaries in place. 

Reduce the time you spend each day using screens, including TV, videos, computers, and video games. Increase your physical activity during downtime.

10. Make time to exercise. 

Some kids are so overscheduled with homework, music lessons, and other scheduled activities that they need more time for exercise.

11. Limit your physical activity. 

Physical activity shouldn’t hurt when done in moderation. Your child should reduce their speed or switch to a less strenuous activity if it starts to hurt. You should exercise restraint, as with any activity. Speak with your child’s doctor if exercise affects their performance in American school or other activities.

Healthy and active lifestyle.

Your child’s doctor will inquire about your child’s media usage, physical activity, and diet during well-child visits also referred to as health supervision visits. Remember that health is not dependent on a particular size, shape, or weight. Children are urged to lead active, healthy lives regardless of their size, shape, or weight.

Families can work toward the following objectives to live a healthy, active life:

  • Consume five servings or more of fruits and vegetables daily.
  • To balance online and offline activities, make a family media use plan.
  • In addition to at least a few days per week of bone- and muscle-strengthening exercises, children and adolescents aged six and older need to engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Children under six require three hours of physical activity each day. Get one or more hours of daily moderate to vigorous exercise.
  • Avoid beverages with added sugar. For a healthy drink, pick milk or water.

Get the family as a whole moving.

According to studies, a person’s childhood lifestyles are much more likely to follow them into adulthood. Children and parents will have a solid foundation for lifelong health if sports and physical activity are prioritized in the family.


The basis for a healthy, active life is exercise combined with a well-balanced diet. Encouragement of healthy habits in children from an early age is one of the most crucial things parents can do. Starting now is still possible. Consult your child’s doctor about today’s resources for healthy living.