Fetlife Murders is a social networking site that fetishism and BDSM enthusiasts will enjoy. Fetlife Murders is similar to Facebook, but was created by kinksters just like you. FetLife, unlike Facebook and other websites is a social network. It’s not a dating site.

This website is sometimes referred to by the term “dating website”. This is the main selling point of the dating app. This website is based on the idea of esoteric sexual practices.

This website could be considered an adult social network site because the majority of its users is adults. It is easy for people to communicate because there are so many English words.

Fetlife was founded in 2008 (14 years ago) and has branches in British Columbia, Canada and Vancouver. John Kopanas is the primary founder of Fetlife. To use a fatlife application, you will need to register.

These rules and regulations apply to the dating app, its services and its products. There are several restrictions on this dating app. This website is not for children under 18 years of age.

This website has a feature that automatically detects the age and gender of individuals in photos and videos. This tool allows you to determine if an individual in the photograph is over 18. Fetlife doesn’t discriminate based on gender, age, gender or race.

All information code, data and text are the responsibility of the account holder. This means that the dating app is fully responsible for everything you publish.

All falling objects are prohibited if you consent to using this dating app. Here are some examples of prohibited items.

It is forbidden to use trolling, bullying, risible language, or even as or stalking.

  • This dating app is also against harassment and personal attacks.
  • This application is only for adults and those over 18 years old. This website is not accessible to children under 18 years of age.
  • Hacking is also prohibited on this dating site.

Provisions and Circumstances

These terms and conditions apply to Fetlife’s products, services and general.

By using Fetlife’s goods and services, the user agrees to all terms and conditions. The user must agree to these terms and conditions.


FetLife members will need to create a profile after completing the registration process. The user must upload their profile or create one in accordance to the rules and limitations of the dating app.